Plant Details:
Plant Type: Cactus or Succulent
Plant Family: Agavaceae
Plant Description: Succulent perennial native to south western United States and South America. Produces gray-green leaves in a basal rosette. Leaves vary in shape but are usually close to 15" long and 6" wide. Century Plants are monocarpic meaning that they will flower once in their life. This species may take 25-50 years to flower but when it does will produce a 15' tall inflorescence with with yellow to orange flowers. After flowering the plant will die. Can be propogated by offshoots, called "pups." Very drought tolerant.
Maintenance Type: Cactus
Plant Care: Cacti (succulent plants with spines instead of true leaves): Remove dead or damaged stems. Prune as necessary to retain a desirable shape. Avoid overwatering.
Plant Attributes:
Mature Size: 1-2' tall x 2-3' wide
Utah Native: No
Plant Select: No
Pollinator Friendly: No
Localscapes: Infill Plant
Foliage Interest: Yes
Foliage Colors: Gray-green
Bloom Colors: Yellow
Bloom Seasons: Early Summer
Bloom Period: Apr - Jul
Growing Conditions:
Hardiness Zone: 5 to 11
Light Requirement: Full Sun (6+ hrs sun)
Irrigation Requirement:
Very Low (Water to Establish)

Salt Tolerant: Yes
Deer Resistant: Unknown
Garden Location:
Not on display
- Not on display