80 records
  • Plant Name & Description

    Botantical Name

  • Gambel Oak Quercus gambelii

    Small deciduous tree native to the western United States. 2-5" long lobed leaves are dark green on top with pale and hairy undersides. Inconspicuous green flowers give way to acorns. Acorns are edible when properly prepared to remove the tannins. Grows in dense stands and clumps.

  • Garden Gnome Anacyclus depressus 'Garden Gnome'

    Garden Gnome spreads out to form a tidy mat of fine, fern-like, grey-green foliage. To contrast with the leaves, large white daisy-like flowers blossom with rich red undersides. This plant is perfect for small areas needing groundcover and in rock gardens.

  • Garden Hyacinth Hyacinthus orientalis

    Spring flowering bulb that produces very fragrant flower spikes made up of densely-packed, small tubular flowers. Colors range from white to pink and purple. Slender green leaves grow basally. As with most bulbs, hyacinths are drought avoiders, blooming in spring when water is abundant and lasting through the dry periods in dormancy.

  • Garden Sage Salvia officinalis

    This semi-evergreen shrubby perennial is a very popular culinary herb. Its gray-green leaves are slightly fuzzy and very aromatic. Lush lavender-colored flowers bloom in early to mid summer, attracting lots of bees and pollinators. Makes an attractive and resilient addition to any landscape. Prefers full sun but can handle dappled shade.

  • Garlic Chives Allium tuberosum

    Fast-growing bulbous perennial native to China and Asia and used as an herb. The leaves may be used for flavoring and garnishing, similar to regular chives but with an added garlicky kick. Also valuable as an ornamental perennial for its round clusters of fragrant star-shaped white flowers that bloom in late summer and into fall. Will reseed and spread through rhizomes.

  • Gas Plant Dictamnus albus 'Albiflorus'

    This low maintenance perennial has a short spring blooming period. Fragrant, showy, upright blooms work well as cut flowers. Green pinnate leaves are glossy and emit a lemony scent when rubbed or crushed. Foliage can cause skin irritation. In hot weather, old flowers and foliage produce a flammable oil.

  • Gay Paree Peony Paeonia lactiflora 'Gay Paree'

    This shrubby perennial grows in large clumps of glossy foliage with lance-shaped leaflets. Grand, vibrant pink, semi-double flowers topped with creamy petals bloom in the spring. It is adaptable to many soils and can handle some drought, but needs sufficient water for the best blooms.

  • Gayfeather Liatris spicata 'Alba'

    Like a fluffy white exclamation sign, Liatris bloom in summer. Plants grow from corm or bulbs and from seeds too. It is an excellent plant for attracting pollinators and beneficial insects. Can handle full sun and moist well drained soil.

  • Georgia Peach Coral Bells Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'

    A mounding perennial grown for its bright peach colored leaves overlain with silver accent. Foliage is semi-evergreen. It is tolerant of heat and can be tolerant of drought once established.

  • Gertrude Jekyll Dwarf Periwinkle Vinca minor f. alba 'Gertrude Jekyll'

    Low-growing, dense, groundcover. Profuse snow white flowers appear in early-spring continuing through summer. Moderate grower. Dark green foliage grows thickly and competes with weeds. Interplant with bulbs for a great spring look. Good choice for stabilizing slopes.

  • Giant Chinese Silver Grass Miscanthus x giganteus

    Large clump-forming ornamental grass often reaching thirteen feet or more in height. Long slender green leaves with a white mid-rib grow off of stiff upright stems. Does not fall down in the winter. Requires once a week watering when established. Plant in an area with space to grow.

  • Giant Fleeceflower Persicaria polymorpha

    This large, shrubby perennial can grow up to 5 feet tall. Plumes of white flowers bloom in the summer over masses of dark-green lance-shaped leaves. It prefers moist soils but can handle some drought once established.

  • Giant Gray Germander Teucrium cossonii

    This tough groundcover forms a blanket of finely-textured, silver foliage. In spring, it's topped by fragrant, dusty purple-pink flowers. It's extremely tolerant of both heat and cold. Great for dry, sunny, rocky or less fertile sites. Looks right at home in rock gardens and rock walls. It is semi-evergreen and very low-maintenance, requiring only occasional raking. Also known as Fruity Germander and Gray Creeping Germander, and sometimes mislabeled as T. cussonii or T. aroanium.

  • Giant Onion Allium giganteum

    Bulbous ornamental perennial onion and the largest of its kind. Forms light green strap-like basal leaves up to three feet long. Bears dense umbels of numerous star-shaped purple flowers. Plant bulbs about a foot apart in clumps for the best effect.

  • Giant Silver Mullein Verbascum bombyciferum

    A short-lived perennial or biennial, this ornamental plant forms a large mound of silvery-gray, woolly leaves that are striking in a contrasting landscape. For the first year it will only grow leaves. During its second year, it will grow a tall stalk up to 6 feet of yellow flowers that grow tightly in a spike. It prefers dry areas and will self-sow.

  • Ginger Wine Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMNPOBLR'

    A deciduous shrub with attractive peeling bark and colorful foliage. The leaves emerge golden orange in the spring and mature to a rich burgundy color. The warm colored foliage offers a stunning backdrop for the pink-white blossoms that come in abundance during late spring. They eventually turn into beautiful red seed heads.

  • Globe Colorado Spruce Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa'

    Slow-growing evergreen shrub. Forms a rounded mound of bluish-gray needles becoming more pyramidal with age. Needles are quite stiff and sharp. Often pruned to desired shapes like small trees or perfectly rounded bushes. Tolerates drought and heavy soils.

  • Globe Daisy Globularia cordifolia

    Dwarf, evergreen perennial native to southern and central Europe. Forms a dense mat of spoon-shaped, glossy leaves. Stems root where they touch the ground. Spherical lavender-blue flowers appear in summer and give the plant its name. Very hardy plant, tolerant of harsh areas and a great choice for rock gardens.

  • Globe Peashrub Caragana frutex 'Globosa'

    A compact deciduous shrub with a neat rounded appearance. Makes a great low-maintenance alternative to formal boxwood hedges, as it requires little pruning and is extremely cold hardy and drought tolerant. The oval leaves grow on slender upright shoots. Bright yellow pea-like flowers sometimes bloom in late-spring to early summer. The species is native to Siberia and Mongolia.

  • Globemaster Onion Allium 'Globemaster'

    A large ornamental onion, 'Globemaster" blooms in late-spring to early summer with large, round violet lavender flower blusters. It's tall sturdy stems withstand wind and rain to keep the blooms aloft for bees and butterflies alike. It takes advantage of the wet temperatures of spring, fading as the drought of summer comes.

  • Glory-of-the-Snow Chionodoxa forbesii

    One of the first spring blooming bulbs. Six-petaled, star-shaped, purple-blue flowers with white centers bloom in early spring above long, slender leaves.

  • Glow Girl Birchleaf Spirea Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor Gold'

    Golden and pretty, this spirea is a Proven Winner selection. This small shrub has rounded, birch-like foliage that first come out bright green. In the fall, the leaves go through the entire fall color spectrum. Flower buds with hints of red open to reveal white flowers which bloom in late spring through early summer. Great for attracting butterflies.

  • Goblin Blanket Flower Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Kobold'

    A very good choice for the Utah climate where it is known for its heat and drought tolerance. The flowers are daisy-like, the hybrid, 'Goblin,' has bright red petals tipped in yellow. Blanket flowers cut well and are long lasting. They bloom from mid summer to frost and require very little care. The pom-pom-like seed heads are fine to leave on the plant, although deadheading will encourage more blooms. Under ideal conditions this plant can spread. This one is also deer resistant.

  • Godaishu Tree Peony Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Godaishu'

    Handsome sparsely branched deciduous shrub. Synonymous with the 'Five Continents' variety. Very large semi-double pure white flowers with fringed petals bloom in late-spring. Do not prune to the ground each year. Plant in fertile well-drained soils. May take a few years to bloom profusely. Tolerates some drought once established.

  • Going Bananas Itoh Peony Paeonia 'Going Bananas'

    Clump-forming, shrubby herbaceous perennial. Abundant mid-green deeply-lobed foliage grows on stiff upright stems. Large, fragrant, semi-double, creamy yellow flowers are loose and airy. Plant in fertile well-drained soils. Tolerates some drought once established. Itoh peonies, or intersectional peonies, are hybrids of the tree peony (P. lemoinei) and garden peony (P. lactiflora).

  • Gold and Silver Ajania Ajania pacifica

    A fast growing, low-mound-forming perennial with silvery gray or gray-green leaves. Best in full sun and well drained soil. Small yellow flower heads bloom in August-October.

  • Gold Band Lily Lilium auratum 'Gold Band'

    Upright growing perennial with lance-shaped leaves growing along the entire length of the stem. Large white flowers with recurved petals bloom in the early summer. Makes an excellent cut flower.

  • Gold Bar Maiden Grass Miscanthus sinensis 'Gold Bar'

    This compact, upright growing maiden grass has long leaves that are banded with gold stripes. The leaves retain their variegation well into the season. Coppery-red seedheads appear in late summer, turning beige with cold weather.

  • Gold Drop Shrubby Cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa 'Gold Drop'

    Upright growing small to medium deciduous shrub. Produces numerous small yellow flowers up to one inch in diameter throughout the summer. Dark green pinnate leaves are composed of five to seven leaflets. Very tolerant of a variety of soils. Will tolerate some drought once established. Grows best with moderate sun and water.

  • Gold Heart Bleeding Heart Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart'

    The chartreuse-green foliage will light up your shade garden. It contrasts with many shade loving plants that have dark green foliage. Heart-shaped pink flowers dangle above the leaves in spring. Fast growing, mounded perennial. Powdery Mildew may appear when planted in moist spots.

  • Gold Mound Spirea Spiraea japonica 'Gold Mound'

    Compact, mounded deciduous shrub. Elliptical leaves have serrated edges and emerge golden yellow turning to light green in the summer. Flat-topped clusters of dark-pink flowers bloom in late-spring to early summer. Grows best with moderate amounts of water and in full sun.

  • Gold Star Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Little Goldstar'

    Golden yellow sunflower-like blooms appear in mid to late-summer on compact mounds of dark green foliage. This variety produces numerous small flowers.

  • Gold Variegated Sweet Iris Iris pallida 'Aureo Variegata'

    A clumping perennial with sword-like leaves that are variegated yellow-gold and green. Tall stems produce fragrant, bearded purple flowers. Spreads by rhizomes which are easy to divide.

  • Golden Baby Goldenrod Solidago 'Goldkind'

    Compact dwarf perennial with mid-green leaves. Bears upright plume-like panicles of golden yellow blossoms in late summer. Adapts well to poor soils and prefers full sun. Self sows freely. Makes an excellent cut flower. Attracts bees and butterflies.

  • Golden Banner Thermopsis lanceolata

    Also known as Golden Candles, this rhizomatous perennial is native to Russia and Asia. Lupine-like spikes of bright yellow flowers bloom in mid-spring alongside spring bulbs like daffodils. The legume has dark green foliage that lasts through the summer. It will spread somewhat but may take a few years to reach its maximum size. Prefers moderately moist and fertile soils. Proven by Plant Select to thrive in dry, high altitude intermountain areas.

  • Golden Candle Golden Rain Tree Koelreuteria paniculata 'Golden Candle'

    This Golden Rain Tree is narrow and columnar. Having this narrow form makes it perfect for tight spaces and urban landscapes. It offers bright yellow flowers that bloom on the tips of each branch during the early part of summer. After the flowers bloom, seed pods appear green and then turn brown as they mature. The lacey green foliage turns yellow during the fall.

  • Golden Catspaw Cryptantha flava

    Desert loving perennial native to the western United States. Spring brings 5-petaled bright-yellow forget-me-not type flowers. Lance-shaped narrow mid-gray green leaves arise from the base. Not very available commercially. Extremely drought tolerant. Once established, will not require additional irrigation.

  • Golden Clematis Clematis tangutica

    Vigorous late-flowering climbing vine native to China. Profuse yellow lantern shaped flowers appear from summer to fall. Decorative, fluffy seed heads follow the flowers. In our garden it has received only natural precipitation since 2002 and grows quite vigorously. Group 3 type clematis.

  • Golden Currant Ribes aureum

    Medium to large spring-flowering shrub. Bright yellow flowers grow on previous year's growth. Avoid pruning until after flowers have bloomed. Bright green, maple-like leaves turn red in fall. Prefers partial shade but will tolerate sun with more water. Smooth gray bark also provides ornamental interest. Berries are edible and often used in pies and jellies. Extremely hardy.

  • Golden Hop Humulus lupulus 'Aureus'

    This fast-growing perennial climbing vine produces flowers in summer that are used in brewing for their bitter properties. Hop is usually grown for agricultural purposes, but this cultivar was developed for its ornamental value, with golden yellow lobed leaves and interesting flower clusters. The plant dies back to the ground each year. Shoots will cling to upright support but may also need to be tied and twined in a clockwise fashion. Plants are dioecious (separate male and female plants). Extensive pruning and cultivation is required to obtain high yields.

  • Golden Large Thyme Thymus pulegioides 'Aureus'

    Aromatic, spreading subshrub or perennial. Small, yellow-green, oblong leaves smell faintly of lemon when crushed. Lavender pink blooms appear in summer. Works well in rock gardens and in between paving stones. Requires full sun and well-drained soils.

  • Golden Marguerite Anthemis tinctoria 'E.C. Buxton'

    This plant has an abundance of light-yellow daisy-like flowers that bloom above aromatic, lacy green foliage. These dainty blooms can be enjoyed throughout the summer and sometimes into the fall. It is great for adding interest and color to perennial borders and planting beds.

  • Golden Mock Orange Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus'

    This variety of mock orange bursts in the spring with golden yellow foliage that fades to greenish-yellow in the summer. White flowers bloom in mid to late spring and smell like orange blossoms. Works well in garden borders.

  • Golden Moss Stonecrop Sedum acre 'Aureum'

    Mat-forming, evergreen, succulent perennial. Vigorously growing trailing-stems bear mid-green, triangular leaves. Bears profuse yellow, star-shaped flowers in late-spring to early-summer. Plant in well-drained soils. Works very well in rock-gardens and looks lovely draping over rock walls.

  • Golden Raintree Koelreuteria paniculata

    Small to medium sized deciduous tree native to Asia. Attractive pinnately compound leaves are purple-red when new, turning green as they mature and yellow in the fall. Small bright yellow flowers bloom in mid-summer turning to lantern shaped seed pods in the fall. Very hardy and adaptable to drought and poor soils. Great multi-purpose tree.

  • Golden Ring Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea 'Golden Ring'

    Deciduous shrub named for the golden rings bordering each of the reddish-purple leaves. Creamy yellow flowers (that may seem inconspicuous) bloom in spring turning to bright red berries that often remain on the shrub through the winter. Branches are quite thorny and should be handled carefully. Tolerant of many soil types and conditions.

  • Golden Sage Salvia officinalis 'Aurea'

    This compact semi-evergreen shrubby perennial is a golden-variegated cultivar of the culinary sage. Strongly aromatic, wrinkled leaves are pale yellow-green in color. Clusters of small, mauve to dusty pink flowers bloom in spring. Attracts bees and butterflies. Prefers dry to moderately wet soils. Plant in well-drained soils and do not overwater.

  • Golden Spirit Smoketree Cotinus coggygria 'Ancot'

    Leaves of this tree (or large shrub) emerge in the spring a bright chartreuse turning to a golden yellow through the summer and eventually fading to coral and red in the fall. Early-summer brings clouds of white to pink smoke-like plumes. It does well in dry conditions, but may scorch with too little water.

  • Golden Storksbill Erodium chrysanthum

    Silvery-gray mounds of fern-like foliage are beautiful on there own, but this tough perennial blooms creamy white, geranium-like flowers from late-spring to late summer. It's a great xeric plant for beginners - easy to grow and long-lived.

  • Golden Triumph Boxwood Buxus microphylla 'Golden Triumph'

    Broadleaf evergreen. Low growing, compact boxwood. Shiny foliage is green with yellow margins. Can grow in full sun or shade, however this plant does best with part sun and shade. Full sun can scorch foliage and full shade will cause the plant to be less vigorous. During cold winters, the leaves and tender stems often suffer from winter burn, especially in exposed conditions. Affected branches must be pruned out in the spring.

  • Golden Variegated Dogwood Cornus alba 'Gouchaultii'

    A multi-stemmed shrub that provides year-round interest. In late spring, subtle clusters of tiny yellow blossoms emerge. They sit atop mid to deep green leaves that are edged with creamy white. Examining closely, one can see soft pink margins within the leaves. The flowers eventually lead to clusters of white drupes that birds may enjoy throughout the summer. As with other dogwoods, cool weather will bring on its most striking feature: the impressive red branches that will shine all through the winter. The species is widespread and native to Utah.

  • Goldfinger Shrubby Cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfinger'

    Deciduous shrub that produces profuse large yellow rose-like flowers, up to 2 inches in diameter, throughout the summer. Dark green pinnate leaves are composed of 5-7 leaflets. Very tolerant of many soil types. Tolerates some drought once established but grows best with moderate water. Recently moved to the genus Dasiphora but still more commonly referred to as Potentilla.

  • Goldflame Honeysuckle Lonicera x heckrottii

    Deciduous woody twining vine. Brilliant orange to dark pink tubular flowers with bright yellow throats are extremely fragrant. Blooms appear in late spring to early summer and may continue into the fall. Red inedible berries sometimes follow the blooms. Blue green leaves also provide considerable interest. Can be trained as a vine or allowed to grow as a shrub.

  • Goldhill Golden-aster Heterotheca jonesii x villosa 'Goldhill'

    A low growing perennial with fuzzy, gray-green leaves. It is mounding and sports beautiful yellow flowers. The daisy like flowers bloom June through September. It requires very little maintenance and does not need to have the spent flowers removed to keep blooming. It prefers good drainage and is a great addition to rock gardens.

  • Goldsturm Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'

    Bright, golden yellow petals with a dark center. Blooms from summer until frost. Prefers moderately moist soil but will do okay if watered once per week. Used in borders, containers, and beds, and will produce seeds eaten by many birds if left and not deadheaded.

  • Gooseberry-Leaf Globemallow Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia

    A charming perennial native to the western United States. Brilliant orange flowers adorn this plant throughout the summer. Gray-green oval leaves are lobed and irregularly toothed. An excellent choice for any water-wise landscape, as it grows naturally in hot and dry locations and will not tolerate overwatering.

  • Gotham Coral Bells Heuchera 'Gotham'

    This perennial forms clumps of lobed, semi-evergreen leaves. The dark purple foliage contrasts with small cream-yellow flowers that bloom in late-spring to early-summer on tall, airy stems. It prefers organic soils with moderate amounts of moisture. Too much drought and heat can cause the foliage to decline through the summer.

  • Gowdy Oriental Spruce Picea orientalis 'Gowdy'

    Oriental spruce is a medium to large, densely-branched, narrow-pyramidal evergreen conifer. 'Gowdy' is a slow-growing columnar cultivar. Fine, dark green needles are very attractive.

  • Graber's Firethorn Pyracantha fortuneana 'Graberi'

    This large broadleaf evergreen shrub is best known for its thorns which can be painful to tangle with. It is attractive, though, with dark glossy green leaves, white spring flowers, and red summer berries. Its leaves are evergreen providing a year-round barrier. Its tolerant of many soil types but may become chlorotic in very alkalkine soils.

  • Grace Smoketree Cotinus 'Grace'

    Large shrub or small multi-stemmed tree with feathery plumes of tiny flowers that appear in the summer, contrasting nicely with the large, round leaves. Foliage is a striking red that deepens as it ages, with orange shades appearing in the fall. 'Grace' is a cross between American Smoketree (C. Obovatus) and ‘Velvet Cloak’ European Smoketree (C. coggygria 'Velvet Cloak').

  • Gracillimus Maiden Grass Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus'

    One of the oldest and best known cultivars of large ornamental grasses. This cultivar has a rounded form and dark green foliage with narrow blades. Red inflorescenses appear in autumn and dry to form a very attractive and showy plume-like seed head in the fall. Cut down in late-winter or early spring before new growth occurs.

  • Grand Cascade Butterfly Bush Buddleja 'Grand Cascade'

    Butterfly Bushes are known to be eye catchers in the landscape, and this one is no exception. Large, densely packed panicles of light lavender blossoms elegantly weep downwards, hence its name. The panicles are larger compared to others of its kind. These blossoms will add color and light fragrance in the later summer while other perennials are slowly ending their show. The subtly beautiful foliage adds a great backdrop for these cascading blossoms as well as other colorful perennials.

  • GrandGala Apple Malus domestica 'GrandGala'

    This is a great apple tree that produces fruit that is a larger version of Gala. The fruit is sweet and is great for fresh-eating, cooking, and baking. It has white blossoms in the spring which develop into beautiful yellow and red fruit that ripens in late August to early September. This tree does need another variety of apple, such as a Golden Delicious, in the area to help with pollination.

  • Granny's Bouquet Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Granny's Bouquet'

    A low-growing, mounded, shrubby perennial. Great multi-use plant used as an herb for its soothing fragrance and as a water-wise landscape plant. Has slender, semi-evergreen gray-green leaves and a pretty Mediterranean look. The fragrant, deep purple to blue blossoms form on tall stems in late spring to early summer. These can be harvested in their bud stage and dried for indoor use. Prefers full sun but can handle some shade, and tolerates drought and poor soil.

  • Gray Gleam Juniper Juniperus scopulorum 'Gray Gleam'

    A slow and densely growing pyramidal evergreen shrub that forms dense columns composed of gray-green scale-like needles. Produces no fruit or flowers. Prefers relatively dry, well-drained soil; avoid overwatering or allowing soil to become overly wet.

  • Gray Santolina Santolina chamaecyparissus

    Also known as Lavender Cotton, this dense, rounded, evergreen perennial has fragrant, slender, silvery-grey foliage that grows on wooly white stems. Bright yellow button-like flowers bloom abundantly in mid summer. Tolerates drought and poor soils. Also known as S. incana.

  • Gray-headed Coneflower Ratibida pinnata

    A native of the Midwest, this tough perennial thrives in difficult soils and with minimal inputs. Bright yellow flowers bloom with long, downward pointing petals and large brown cones at their center. With pinnate leaves and stiff stems that start to droop by the end of the season, this perennial can have a rough and informal appearance but is well-suited to meadow style gardens.

  • Graziella Maiden Grass Miscanthus sinensis 'Graziella'

    Early blooming large ornamental grass with upright form. Slender green leaves turn copper red in the autumn then tan in winter. Silver to white flowers appear in late summer, usually before other Miscanthus varieties. Seed heads turn tan during winter but continue to add beauty to the landscape. Cut down to 4-6" above the soil in late winter or early spring before new growth occurs.

  • Greek Horehound Ballota pseudodictamnus

    A mound forming, woody based, semi-evergreen shrubby perennial with rosettes of small, round, silver gray-green leaves. Bears 2-lipped, white flowers in late spring to early summer. Prefers full sun and dry soils. Similar to horehound and used as an herb.

  • Greek Yarrow Achillea ageratifolia

    Attractive, long-blooming perennial. Looks significantly different than other yarrows. Slender, dark-green leaves have toothed edges. Compared to others of its kind, the Greek Yarrow has larger individual flowers, but in smaller clusters.

  • Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica

    Tough, commonly used deciduous tree. Trees are dioecious (separate male and female trees). Green leaves are composed of 5-9 leaflets. Fall color is yellow and the intensity varies with the year. Seedling-grown trees produce prolific seeds that can become messy. Tolerates high alkalinity, heat, and drought. Form is roughly pyramidal in youth and spreading with age. Susceptible to a wide range of diseases. Sometimes overused in the landscape.

  • Green Mound Alpine Currant Ribes alpinum 'Green Mound'

    This dwarf cultivar of Alpine Currant is less troubled with foliage disease than the species. It is rounded with stiffly upright stems and spreading branches. Female plants bloom from April-May and bear scarlet fruit in July. Fruit is edible to birds. Will tolerate poor but well drained soils, and both full sun or shade, but prefers cooler locations.

  • Green Santolina Santolina rosmarinifolia

    A small, dense, rounded shrub with thin, serrated, fragrant green foliage that is covered with cute, bright yellow button-like flowers in summer. Drought and deer resistant. Mostly evergreen but may have some winter damage after harsh winters. Synonymous with S. virens and sometimes called Holy Flax or Lavender Cotton.

  • Green Spice Coral Bells Heuchera 'Green Spice'

    A clump-forming perennial with colorful foliage. The leaves have a gray-green center, purple veins and edges outlined with green. The leaves are semi-evergreen and are the best feature of this plant. Panicles of white flowers bloom in early-summer but aren't particularly showy.

  • Green Tower Austrian Pine Pinus nigra 'Green Tower'

    This evergreen tree is very narrow and columnar. It is great as a specimen, screen or windbreaker. Green Tower has sturdy branches which hold up better to ice and snow than many other columnar evergreens. It has deep green needles that are arranged in groups of two.

  • Green Vase Zelkova Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase'

    This large deciduous tree has a tidy vase shape that makes for a reliable and versatile shade tree. A good street tree whose upright ascending branches resemble the iconic American Elm and provide easy clearance for vehicles. Taller and narrower than 'Village Green'. Dark green, narrow, toothed leaves turn bronze red in the fall. Narrow branch structure may require some corrective pruning to avoid crowding, weak joints, and other problems. Requires very little water once established. Tolerates urban pollution and suffers few diseases.

  • Greenspire Linden Tilia cordata 'Greenspire'

    Medium to large deciduous tree with pyramidal or oval form. Dark green heart shaped leaves turn yellow in the fall. Abundant intensely fragrant white to cream flowers bloom in the summer followed by small hard round seeds. Does not require much maintenance and is tolerant of drought and alkaline soils. Extreme drought may cause some burning in the leaves.

  • Greenstem Paperflower Psilostrophe sparsiflora

    Nice rounded mounding long blooming plant that requires very little maintenance and is very drought and heat tolerant. Native to parts of Southern Utah. Blooms early summer through frost. Not readily available to purchase as it has not been commercially grown at this time.

  • Grizzlybear Pricklypear Opuntia polyacantha var. erinacea

    Clump forming spiny cactus with bluish-green stems. Short spines grow one to three per cluster. Showy pink, yellow, bronze, or violet bowl-shaped flowers grow on the previous year's growth followed by spiny green fruit. Plant in well-drained soils. Do not overwater. Tolerates brief periods of 10°F but prefers lows of 45-50°F.

  • Gro-Low Sumac Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low'

    Low-growing spreading deciduous shrub that serves well as a tall groundcover and controls erosion when planted on slopes. Leaves resemble poison ivy, but are not at all poisonous. They are aromatic when bruised or crushed. Produces insignificant yellow flowers in early spring followed eventually by catkins and inedible berries. Puts on an impressive show of red in the fall.