Plant Details:
Plant Type: Climbing Vine
Plant Family: Cannabaceae
Plant Description: This fast-growing perennial climbing vine produces flowers in summer that are used in brewing for their bitter properties. Hop is usually grown for agricultural purposes, but this cultivar was developed for its ornamental value, with golden yellow lobed leaves and interesting flower clusters. The plant dies back to the ground each year. Shoots will cling to upright support but may also need to be tied and twined in a clockwise fashion. Plants are dioecious (separate male and female plants). Extensive pruning and cultivation is required to obtain high yields.
Maintenance Type: Climbing Vine
Plant Care: Climbing Vine (climbing or trailing plants): Prune regularly to promote health, remove overly tangled branches, maintain a desirable shape, and to remove diseased or damaged branches. Pruning is best done in late
winter to early spring for most vines. With spring blooming vines, prune after the blooms are spent. Train on structures strong enough to support the vine. Some vines require more or less pruning than average depending on their growth habit.
Plant Attributes:
Mature Size: 15-25' tall and wide
Utah Native: No
Plant Select: No
Pollinator Friendly: No
Localscapes: Foundation Plant, Perimeter Plant
Foliage Interest: No
Foliage Colors: Green
Bloom Colors: Green
Bloom Seasons: Fall
Bloom Period: Sep - Oct
Growing Conditions:
Hardiness Zone: 4 to 8
Light Requirement: Full Sun (6+ hrs sun), Part Shade (4-6 hrs morning sun), Part Sun (4-6 hrs afternoon sun)
Irrigation Requirement:
Moderate (1/2" every 7-10 days)

Salt Tolerant: Unknown
Deer Resistant: Unknown
Garden Location:
Design Path
- Design Ideas-West
- Lots of Pots