Get Cash for Installing Your Dream Landscape
When you are in the market for an energy-saving appliance, or you’re working on a home-improvement that will save energy, you are likely to check with your utility provider for any rebates that may apply to your project. But would you think to do the same for a project or appliance that saves water? You might not, because until recently, rebates for water-saving devices and projects were not widely available in Utah.
Fortunately, water conservation rebates are becoming more available throughout the state because of collaboration among the State Division of Water Resources and the major water districts. Rather than having dozens of cities and water districts all offering their own separate rebate programs, which can be confusing to residents, there is now one online portal for water conservation programs serving the entire state – UtahWaterSavers.com
This powerful website shows Utah residents exactly which programs are available to them based on their water provider. They can upload receipts and photos and even make appointments for certain programs when necessary. Here’s what to look for: -
Smart Sprinkler Controller Rebates:
Rebates for smart controllers have been available in certain areas for many years, but last year, thanks to UtahWaterSavers.com, they became available statewide. Any WaterSense-labeled controller qualifies for this rebate.
High-efficiency Toilet Rebates:Rebates for WaterSense-labeled toilets (1.28 gallons per flush or less) have also been available in certain cities for many years, but in 2019 they will be available statewide to eligible residents.
Residential Landscape Consultations:
Residents in most of Salt Lake County can arrange a free landscape consultation to help with sprinkler efficiency and design ideas.
Flip Your Strip:
Most Salt Lake County residents with a lawn park strip are also eligible for a per-square-foot rebate to remove the lawn from their park strip and install plants and mulch.
Localscapes® Rewards:
This a cash reward for eligible homeowners who install a Localscape in their front yard and/or back yard. -
UtahWaterSavers.com is designed for homeowners, but there are also water conservation incentives available to businesses and cities. Qualifying commercial landscaping projects in most of Salt Lake County are eligible for Landscape Leadership Grant funding, which reimburses the owner for a portion of the cost of installation. Most cities within Salt Lake County are also eligible for additional grant funding from Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District for various conservation programs of their choice. As with the landscape grants, a portion of the cost is reimbursed to the city based on the value of the water saved by the program.
The goal of all these programs and rebates, including new city landscape ordinances, is to reduce the demand for water, extend existing water supplies, and defer the need to develop costly new sources of water. The result will be a shift in how we landscape—great news for our environment and water usage statewide.