Plant Details:
Plant Type: Ornamental Grass
Plant Family: Poaceae
Plant Description: Very tall upright growing grass. A hardy relative of Pampas grass. The foliage is green and white-ribbed, tinged with purples and oranges in the fall. Produces very attractive purple-tan inflorescences in late-summer, turning to beautiful seed heads often used in dried floral arrangements. Cut back to the ground in late-winter to early-spring. Allow to stand through the winter. Tolerant of wet or dry soils.
* This plant does produce seedlings that can grow quickly if not properly managed by spraying or pulling for removal.
Maintenance Type: Ornamental Grass - Medium
Plant Care: Ornamental Grass - Medium (showy non-turf grasses that go dormant in winter, 3-6' tall): Use hand pruners or hedger to cut and remove 2/3 of the total grass height. Trim edges. For warm season grasses (more common), this is best done in late winter to early spring. For cool season grasses apply the same maintenance practices in the late fall, once the plant is dormant.
Plant Attributes:
Mature Size: 8-12' tall x 3-4' wide
Utah Native: No
Plant Select: No
Pollinator Friendly: No
Localscapes: Foundation Plant, Perimeter Plant
Foliage Interest: No
Foliage Colors: Green
Bloom Colors: Purple, Tan
Bloom Seasons: Late Summer
Bloom Period: Aug - Oct
Growing Conditions:
Hardiness Zone: 4 to 9
Light Requirement: Full Sun (6+ hrs sun)
Irrigation Requirement:
Low (1/2" every 10-14 days)

Salt Tolerant: Unknown
Deer Resistant: Unknown
Garden Location:
Commercial Concepts
- Garden Entrance
- JVWCD Building East
- South Property Line
Design Path
- Winter Interest
Maintenance Path
- Moving Day
- Rain Gardening
Planting Path
- Avoiding Erosion
Garden Staff Tips & Insights:
At the garden we have seen this grass seed around aggressively and rapidly. Due to its rapid growth and texture, it is difficult to remove. Consider removing seed heads in the fall before they spread. We recommend taking caution if you choose to plant this.