Plant Details:
Plant Type: Perennial
Plant Family: Caryophyllaceae
Plant Description: A low-growing semi-evergreen groundcover, soapwort makes a carpet of pink flowers over green foliage. It is very vigorous and will spread both by rhizomes and seeds, so put it in a place that it has room to stretch. It makes a good filler for crevices in rock walls and grows well in colder climates. Shearing the flowers as they fade will keep them from reseeding.
Maintenance Type: Perennial - Evergreen
Plant Care: Perennial - Evergreen (soft-stemmed plants that keep their leaves and color during winter): Remove spent blooms to promote rebloom later. To avoid winter stress, wait until spring to identify what portions of the plant are still alive and then remove the rest.
Plant Attributes:
Mature Size: 8" tall x 24" wide
Utah Native: No
Plant Select: No
Pollinator Friendly: Yes
Localscapes: Infill Plant, Park Strip Plant
Foliage Interest: No
Foliage Colors: Green
Bloom Colors: Pink
Bloom Seasons: Late Spring
Bloom Period: May - Jun
Growing Conditions:
Hardiness Zone: 3 to 8
Light Requirement: Full Sun (6+ hrs sun), Part Shade (4-6 hrs morning sun), Part Sun (4-6 hrs afternoon sun)
Irrigation Requirement:
Low (1/2" every 10-14 days)

Salt Tolerant: Yes
Deer Resistant: Yes
Garden Location:
Commercial Concepts
- Education Center Plaza
Design Path
- Climate Control
- Initial Analysis
Localscapes Path
- Rock Wall
Garden Staff Tips & Insights:
This plant has a very nice smell at night. Cut dead looking sections off when blooming is done. It will regrow.