Plant Details:
Plant Type: Perennial
Plant Family: Scrophulariaceae
Plant Description: A small clump forming perennial cultivar adapted to heat and drought conditions. Basal rosettes of lance-shaped leaves are semi-evergreen. Bears pink blossoms on tall spikes. Regular dead-heading will promote longer blooming. Prefers well-drained soil and will bloom longer with regular watering.
Maintenance Type: Perennial - Herbaceous
Plant Care: Perennial - Herbaceous (soft-stemmed plants that die back in winter and regrow in spring): Remove spent blooms to promote rebloom later. Some plants tend to flop over after the first bloom and attempt to regrow from the base; in these cases, the old stems can be cut away in summer. As plants become dormant in the fall, remove dead leaves and stems.
Plant Attributes:
Mature Size: 24" tall x 15" wide
Utah Native: No
Plant Select: Unknown
Pollinator Friendly: Yes
Localscapes: Infill Plant, Park Strip Plant
Foliage Interest: No
Foliage Colors: Green
Bloom Colors: Pink
Bloom Seasons: Spring
Bloom Period: May - Jun
Growing Conditions:
Hardiness Zone: 4 to 9
Light Requirement: Full Sun (6+ hrs sun)
Irrigation Requirement:
Low (1/2" every 10-14 days)

Salt Tolerant: Unknown
Deer Tolerant: Unknown
Garden Location:
Commercial Concepts
- Garden Entrance
- JVWCD Building East
Design Path
- Winter Interest