Plant Details:
Plant Type: Bulb
Plant Family: Hyacinthaceae
Plant Description: This bulbous perennial grows as a rosette of long, strappy leaves that often stay green through the fall, winter and spring before going dormant during the dry summer months. Flower stalks emerge in late spring or early summer topped with an eye-catching cone of star-shaped purple-blue blossoms and continue to bloom for 3 weeks or more. The bloom time bridges the gap between spring bulbs like tulips and summer flowering perennials, bringing much appreciated color.
Maintenance Type: Bulb
Plant Care: Bulb (ornamental bulbous plants, typically spring-blooming and otherwise dormant):
Remove spent blooms once they begin to fade. Cut back leaves to the ground once they begin to die back.
Plant Attributes:
Mature Size: 4-10" tall x 6-8" wide
Utah Native: No
Plant Select: No
Pollinator Friendly: Yes
Localscapes: Infill Plant, Park Strip Plant
Foliage Interest: Unknown
Foliage Colors: Green
Bloom Colors: Blue, Purple, Lavender
Bloom Seasons: Late Spring
Bloom Period: May - Jun
Growing Conditions:
Hardiness Zone: 7 to 10
Light Requirement: Full Sun (6+ hrs sun), Part Shade (4-6 hrs morning sun), Part Sun (4-6 hrs afternoon sun)
Irrigation Requirement:
Moderate (1/2" every 7-10 days)

Salt Tolerant: Unknown
Deer Resistant: Unknown
Garden Location:
Neighborhood Landscapes
- Waterwise Woodlands