Plant Details:
Plant Type: Perennial
Plant Family: Celastraceae
Plant Description: Low-growing spreading evergreen perennial. Dark green leaves turn purple-red in winter. Flowers are inconspicuous and sparse if present. Stems root as they touch the ground and may spread significantly. If it reaches a vertical surface it will climb. Tolerant of a wide range of soil. Will not tolerate overwatering.
Maintenance Type: Shrub - Evergreen
Plant Care: Shrub - Evergreen (woody multi-stemmed plants that keep their leaves and color during winter): Only minimal pruning is required and mostly to retain a desirable shape. Pruning should be done in early spring. Monitor for pests, diseases or other ailments on a regular basis.
Plant Attributes:
Mature Size: 6-8" tall x 36" wide
Utah Native: No
Plant Select: No
Pollinator Friendly: No
Localscapes: Infill Plant
Foliage Interest: No
Foliage Colors: Dark Green
Bloom Colors: Green, Inconspicuous
Bloom Seasons: Spring
Bloom Period: Apr - Apr
Growing Conditions:
Hardiness Zone: 4 to 9
Light Requirement: Full Sun (6+ hrs sun), Full Shade (0-4 hrs sun), Part Shade (4-6 hrs morning sun), Part Sun (4-6 hrs afternoon sun)
Irrigation Requirement:
Moderate (1/2" every 7-10 days)

Salt Tolerant: Unknown
Deer Resistant: Unknown
Garden Location:
Design Path
- Design Ideas-East
Irrigation Path
- Mountain to Tap
Maintenance Path
- Outsmart Invaders
- Rain Gardening